April 9, 2007

A clip of my performance at no-)toon)

It's a compilation of the second night of the no-)toon) festival in Haarlem. Part of it took the form of a museum walkthrough in De Hallen, which is where I was performing, more specifically in de vleeshal, "the meat hall". The man who documented and edited this video excerpted some bits of my performance around 1:52 to 3:30 in the scrubby YouTube timeline. pado is singing on one song.

more information on no-)toon) here.
more information on de vleeshal here.


Wind rattles porch, car ends up in ocean

Last night (April 8, 2007), I had a dream that my dream journal was lost in the cargo hold of a Greyhound bus. I had left the book in the cargo hold and just walked away. For some reason, I was under the impression that I could leave my book there until later, even though I had reached my destination