March 8, 2009

In Korean Wilds and Villages by dogr

My album comes out on Sonig records in April 2009.



Blogger nicolas salomon said...

its a really good album
some tunes make me think about robert wyatt's strangeness

Blogger dogr said...

Thanks, sometimes people bring up Robert Wyatt when they hear my music.

Perhaps you are interested in this album as well:

It's our new one, and if you can read German, there's a German description, or you can read this bad translation that I made with Google Translate:

"I imagined a room like a box is created and from which pulsed a story."

Raised in Korean artist Sung Hwan Kim developed his series in the room as a form of storytelling, the film, video, concert, drawing and writing brings together in order to examine how the narrative through the juxtaposition of different languages, cultures, genres, genders and generations transformed. Typical of the Sung's work is to combine different genres and media - especially video and performance art - with one another, and yet perform each step in the creation of a work itself: as a director, editor, actor, composer, storyteller and poet.

In collaboration with the dogr also works in New York musician aka David Michael Sung Digregorio composes a dense web of superimposed voices with different effects and instruments such as ocarina, samplers, kazoo, guitar, or Korean cymbals: Vocal harmonies are interwoven with the story and let be the singer of a figure of history and history turn to music.

In the room no series linearly constructed, coherent story, rather than a dream-like movement with different perspectives through a constantly changing space built. Sung to collect scenes material and stories from his immediate environment and connected these divergent materials into a movie, on the basis of which he created the radio play:

"I started thinking about the permanent residents of areas. In the Room series moves prisoners (the tortured) into focus, an actress who is ready for your secret lover, a dog, a radio presenter, a traveler in a city and so as inhabitants of the area (and as those who) create the vibrations of the hidden boxes. I knew that male humpback whales in a population sing the same song during the breeding season - but that had changed with every song by imitation and improvisation. So I I imagined the stories and performances within performances, as different types of variations. Simple phenomena are no more exciting than it really is now time, however, by exaggeration, omission, emphasis, rhythm, the quality of the voice and the use of time they become fairy tales, myths, magic, lies, propaganda, history, or sometimes to the facts. "

Sung Hwan Kim, born in 1975 in Seoul, lives in New York. Korean artists. 1995-96 studied architecture at Seoul National University in Korea. 2000 Bachelor's degree of mathematics and art studies at the College, Willliams Willliamstown, USA. 2003 Completion of the study of Visual Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. 2004/2005 scholarship from the Dutch Rijksakademie. Awards, among other things second prize of the Dutch award, the Prix de Rome and Hermes Korea Prize for contemporary art. Shows, among other things in Total Museum, Seoul (2003), the Michaelis Gallery, Cape Town (2006), the Witte de With Museum Rotterdam (2008), the Gallery TPW, Toronto (2009) and the Wilkinson Gallery, London (2007, 2009).


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