Oh, and salsa. Salsa in this country counts as a sweet thing. Why do they make it so?
May 12, 2006
And the subsequent sugar crash
Yesterday I worried about peak oil and the subsequent oil crash. Relatedly, the sugary items I ate yesterday: mochi filled with red bean, dok filled with red bean (2), bi-bi-big frozen red bean bar, a handful of Kellogg's Frosties, two slices of marzipan, yogurt with honey and cinnamon, amandel pasta gevulde koek.
Today, less worry. Thus, only some sugar in my coffee. The toast this morning had savory things on top.
Today, less worry. Thus, only some sugar in my coffee. The toast this morning had savory things on top.
May 8, 2006
Chocracula strikes again
He thought he could just put the boy in the bed to calm him down, and realized that he himself was preoccupied with what the boy might find in the bed.
He went back to smelling his fingers and sitting in his chair looking at the tealight candles. They come a hundred to a bag and are a pretty good buy.
Chocracula strikes again
He thought he could just put the boy in the bed to calm him down, and realized that he himself was preoccupied with what the boy might find in the bed.
He went back to smelling his fingers and sitting in his chair looking at the tealight candles. They come a hundred to a bag and are a pretty good buy.
May 7, 2006
Good luck, or Molly and Ingula revisited
Molly wished she could make soulful music and play the mouth organ like good ol' Bob Dylan. Ingula snickered at Molly when Molly told Ingula that she heard "Bob Dylan" was not Bob Dylan's real name. Just a few days ago, Molly and Ingula punched each other at the same time in a kind of experiment. Dad wasn't happy about it, but still couldn't hide his perverse interest in the girls' experiment. Molly's gold tooth flew out when Ingula's advancing fist got caught up in her own massive load of red curly hair and layered itself behind the hair and Molly's cheek skin, sliding down Molly's cheek to Molly's open screaming mouth, making contact with Molly's treasure. O Dad couldn't hide his smirk when he saw Molly's favorite thing in the air, headed for the great Elbe River. In recent days, Molly had taken to referring to the tooth as her little "cha ra rump dee ay", each time playing an imaginary piano in the air when she uttered the term. That night, Uncle, Uncle Dad, Dad, Molly all tried to drown themselves in the Elbe in front of the shipping container cranes while blaring the famous techno "I Gutt 2 No UR teeth in my mouth" out of a small boombox (lights up when the bass rumbles, even). Just as the water was washing over Molly's eyes, pickling them a bit, just as the triumphant chorus was beginning "teeth in mouth/teeth in mouth/teeth in mouth", Molly heard in a reverberation-filled fantasy perception episode a mouth organ just like the one Bob Dylan tempted her to have a go at. Under the water, not enough oxygen to her brain, Molly couldn't think "Bob Dylan", she could just only barely put together "Shrob Dylan", and that is the name she popped out of the water screaming. Thanks to the Shrob yell, Uncle Dad and Dad were shocked out of their underwater troubles. Uncle didn't make it, just washed over like a piece of rotten flesh. He never did any wrong, but he had no friends, so nobody would miss his stinking body or ugly face. Ingula stole away and cried, all the while squeezing the white box with the new gold tooth inside. Later Uncle Dad will have a dream in which he swallows that very tooth.